Dominique Holloman

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Dominique Holloman

Government Affairs Manager, MARTA

University of Georgia BS, AB ’01, M.Ed, JD ‘04

Atlanta, GA

Dominique was born and raised in South Fulton County. Her parents, a banker and a fireman, were always incredibly dedicated to her education. When Dominique was ready to head off to college, she had Tulane College in her sights. However, the opportunity of the HOPE Scholarship lead her to rethink her goals.

Dominique’s parents told her, “‘We have invested so much into your education. You have the opportunity to go to college and continue this process at almost no cost. It is better for you to be in a place where you can come out of college relatively debt-free because you have already decided that you are going to continue your education’…HOPE kept me in-State when I was dead set on going to Tulane”

“Georgia was what I needed without knowing it was what I needed. I had always been in small schools with the same people. Going to a Tulane or Emory just would have been the same experience…at Georgia I was exposed to people I never would have been exposed to.”

One of the most valuable things she gained from her experience at the University of Georgia, specifically in the UGA Athletic Department and as a student tour guide at the Visitors Center, was the ability to navigate relationships. “I learned how to listen and how to make connections with people who seemingly have nothing in common with me…It taught me about relationships and how to manage relationships in a way that has been very impactful across my life, not only professionally, but personally.”

After two legislative sessions working as State Representative William Boddie’s Chief of Staff, Dominique is now serving as the Government Affairs Manager for MARTA. She is one of the few Black women in Government Affairs at the Georgia State Capitol.

“I’m so blessed to feel peace around my career. I’m very happy with where I’m at…It feels like I’ve found where I’m supposed to be.”

Dominique lives in Atlanta with her son.